ANGEL FLIGHT SOARS aids in medical assistance
Ken Reece | Aug 23, 2016

Dougherty County Rotarians heard Tuesday about a program that helps families with medical flights.
Volunteer pilots act as angels in the lives of others. They take flight to get patients to the hope of lifesaving treatment, for free.
The service is available for any medically stable and ambulatory patient demonstrating a financial need and/or anyone who can't utilize or access commercial transportation.
ANGEL FLIGHTTM serves the six southern states: Georgia, Alabama, Mississippi, North Carolina, South Carolina and Tennessee. When needs extend beyond this region, ANGEL FLIGHT coordinates with affiliate organizations through the Air Care Alliance.
"It doesn't take a miracle to get people to the medical care they need, but it does require a few angels," say Pilot Doug Ellis. Ellis adds that ANGEL FLIGHT is looking for experienced pilots to join this non-profit organization. For more information, head to their website