Don't have wings yet?
You can still earn your halo by volunteering as an Earth Angel!
Although the pilots seem to receive most of the visibility, it is the strength of the "ground support" which gives them their wings. "Earth Angels" are to ANGEL FLIGHT™, what the control tower is to an airport. Much like an Air Traffic Controller makes air travel possible, Earth Angels make ANGEL FLIGHT missions possible!
Earth Angels are critical to the success of our organization and ensure our ability to help those in need. The key to running and growing an organization lies in the ability to build a strong group of volunteers as support to a small paid staff. ANGEL FLIGHT has done just that with their "Earth Angel" program. We currently enjoy hundreds of Earth Angels. These volunteers work with us in everything we do and we couldn't exist without their support.
Our Earth Angels are needed to handle registrations, work display booths, run silent auctions and to gather merchandise, tickets, gift certificates, etc. for the silent auctions and raffles at these events. We can also use help in the office during business hours.
It doesn't take a miracle to get people the medical care they need, but it does take a few angels. Please join us. If you have any questions, call us at 770.452.7958.
Complete A Volunteer Application
Complete Your Community Service
Need to complete mandated community service? Volunteering at Angel Flight Soars is a great way to serve while giving back to the community. If you have a traffic-related, non-violent offense and need to complete community service hours, we can help! Sign up below.

Complete A Community Service Application